Photo of students and faculty in physics lab

Physics (B.S.)

宇宙的奥秘——检验赋予星系结构的力, the particles that make up matter, 以及帮助我们了解我们的世界的科学理论,这是芝加哥唯一一所专注于科技的大学.

Physics is the study of the natural world, seen and unseen, 并试图回答从最小的可观测粒子到最庞大的星系中物质和能量如何在任何地方工作的问题. As a physics major, you will:

  • 获得实验技术,仪器和测量过程的经验 
  • 发展数学、计算和分析技能
  • 在跨学科的科学项目上合作
  • 用科学的严谨来审视现实世界的问题

And, learning doesn’t stop at the classroom. 参与由教师主导的校园或附近的研究项目提供的研究威尼斯人平台 Argonne and Fermi National Labs. Connect with peers in the Society for Physics Students or Women in STEM. Join campus clubs like 空间探索与发展学生计划(SEDS) or Illinois Tech Hyperloop and participate in national competitions. 潜入黑客马拉松和创业挑战 Kaplan Center 把你的理论知识运用到市场上,打造自己的职业生涯. 


威尼斯人平台学习物理为学生的职业生涯做好了独特的准备. Physics majors are working alongside biologists, chemists, engineers, entrepreneurs, ethicists, educators, and policy experts every day, 在基于项目的协作中应用他们的见解. 通过在芝加哥一流的科技大学调查自然世界, 我们的物理专业学生正准备迎接紧迫的科学挑战,从研究实验室到创业公司再到发电厂. 

Program Overview

威尼斯人平台,我们不只是阅读物理知识,我们还亲自动手. Together, we solve problems and develop practical skills, 解决像构建电子电路这样的挑战, creating computer simulations, and contributing to research projects in energy, medicine, and more.

Career Opportunities

Upon graduation, you’ll have the problem solving, analytical, 以及实用技能,以开展令人兴奋的职业或继续研究生学习,无论是在物理方面, business, or even law school. 应届毕业生在像Microlink Devices这样的公司和组织工作, Constellation Energy, Tesla, Unabridged Software, the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams and the U.S. Senate Space and Science Subcommittee.  

Some common jobs that graduates pursue include:

  • Risk Analytic Consultant/Actuary
  • Operations Accelerator Engineer
  • Engineering Process Technician
  • Junior Process Engineer
  • STEM teacher
  • Software developer
  • Data analyst
  • Financial technology (fintech) specialist

Want to take your education even further? Our students are primed for postgraduate study. 毕业生们继续在斯坦福大学等学校进一步学习物理学, Notre Dame, the University of Pennsylvania, and right here at Illinois Tech. Consider an accelerated master’s, completing both B.S. and M.S. in just five years. Or, consider our Honors Law Program该项目结合了伊利诺斯理工大学和J.D. program at the Chicago-Kent College of Law, 让学生更早毕业并开始他们的职业生涯. 物理学专业的学生特别适合从事专利法方面的工作.

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View Details

我们的物理课程将严格的学科知识与广泛的技术和科学领域相结合. 所有的学生都参加了物理讨论会, 他们在哪里有威尼斯人平台与在该领域工作的科学家见面并向他们学习. 如果您对课程有任何疑问,请随时联系Dr. Todd Springer: We’d love to hear from you.

威尼斯人平台的入学要求是注册B.S. in physics program. 咨询你的学术顾问转入该项目.

Expanding His Scope

Jonte Williams (ASPY/PHYS四年级)从小就梦想着创造未来. 作为威尼斯人平台的一名物理系学生,他就是这么做的.


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Our Students do Big Things

Illinois Tech alumni Lexi Detweiler

Lexi Detweiler (PHYS, ASPY, M.S. HP ' 21)确保在橡树岭的Y-12国家安全综合体中有足够的保护措施来容纳和处理铀, Tennessee.

Featured Faculty

Pavel Snopok
Chair, Department of Physics Professor
Associate Teaching and Research Professor
Rakshya Khatiwada
Assistant Professor of Physics Associate Scientist, Fermilab
Carlo Segre
Duchossois Leadership Professor Professor of Physics 材料研究协同访问小组(MRCAT)副主任 中国科学院同步辐射研究与仪器中心主任 Deputy Director, BioCAT Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Emily Leiner
Assistant Professor of Physics
John Zasadzinski
Paul and Suzi Schutt Endowed Chair in Science Professor of Physics