Carol Davids

  • 研究助理教授计算机科学教授
  • Founding Director, Real-Time Communications Lab


Bachelor of Science, Applied Mathematics, Columbia University, School of Engineering and Applied Science, New York, NY, 1967
Master of Science, Information Technology and Management, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, 2003

Research Interests

Real-Time Communications, including SIP-based, and WebRTC-based architectures and applications; voice and data networks; voice and video communications

Professional Affiliations & Memberships


2) Member, Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)

3) Co-Chair and Steering Committee Co-Chair, Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telephony (IPTComm)

4) Chair, Real-Time Communication Conference and Expo, an International IEEE Conference at Illinois Tech


University Teaching Award


Luke Logan, Carol Davids, Cary Davids;
May, 2020 IEEE International Workshop Technical Committee on Communications Quality and Reliability (CQR); IEEE XPlore

Carol Davids, Cary Davids, Bharat Ramaswamy Nandakumar, Neilabh Okhandiar, Francisco Rois, Chakib Ljazouli, Adrian Calle Murillo
September 2017, IPTComm '17: Proceedings of the Principles, Systems and Applications on IP Telecommunications; IEEE Xplore.

Simon Pietro Romano; Salvatore Loreto; Carol Davids
IEEE Communications Standards Magazine
Year: 2017, Volume: 1, Issue: 2
Pages: 20 - 21
IEEE Journals & Magazines

Next Generation 911: Where Are We? What Have We Learned? What Lies Ahead? 
Eds. Carol Davids, Vijay K. Gurbani, Salvatore Loreto, Ravi Subramanyan
IEEE Communications Magazine
Year: 2017, Volume: 55, Issue: 1
Pages: 130 – 131, DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2017.7823350

Carol Davids, Javier Moreno Valdecantos, Bartlomiej Dworak, Cruz Tovar, Bharat Ramaswamy Nandakumar, Mahak Patil
2015年10月IPTComm '15:原则论文集, Systems and Applications on IP Telecommunications; ACM Digital Library

Benchmarking the session initiation protocol (SIP)
Yueqing Zhang; Arthur Clouet; Oluseyi S. Awotayo; Carol Davids; Vijay K. Gurbani
2015 IEEE通信质量与可靠性国际研讨会技术委员会, IEEE Xplore

Carol Davids, Gaston Ormazabal, Radu State
ACM SIGCOMM计算机通信评论:第44卷第3期,2014年7月

用于网络语音和视频通信的SIP api
Carol davis, Alan Johnston, Kundan Singh, Henry Sinnreich, Wilhelm wimreuter
2011年7月IPTcomm '11:第五届国际原则会议论文集, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunications; ACM Digital Library

SIP CLF:会话发起协议(SIP)的通用日志格式(CLF)
Vijay K. Gurbani, Eric Burger, Carol Davids, Tricha Anjali
通过日志分析和机器学习技术管理系统的2010年研讨会文集, ACM Digital Library

IIT VoIP研究实验室项目及其与VoIP标准开发的关系 
Proc. 第六届资讯科技标准化及创新国际会议(SIIT 2009). 电子、信息和通信工程师学会,2009年9月.

Jin Tang, Carol Davids, Yu Cheng
第五届国际信息通信技术(ICST)异构网络质量会议论文集, Reliability, Security and Robustness; ACM Digital Library

基准会话发起协议(SIP)设备术语:基本会话设置和注册, , April 2015

会话发起协议(SIP)设备的基准测试方法:基本会话设置和注册, , April 2015


SIP Performance Benchmarks: Methodology, 查找SIP代理实例的“性能极限”的术语. Draft at IETF BMWG. Test tool conformant with the drafts.

NG9-1-1: NENA行业协作活动:与国家紧急号码协会合作,支持NG9-1-1架构功能元素的互操作性. 维护和发展印度理工学院两个校区的三个应急服务IP骨干网.

网络传输和性能测试平台:STUN和TURN服务器以及SIP服务器和支持webrtc的Web服务器部署在该测试平台的各种配置中,该测试平台的9个域和子域可用于测试基于Web- rtc和基于SIP的应用程序在STUN和TURN服务的帮助下遍行域时的行为.



保护流媒体网络传输的方法, US Patent Number 8453241, granted May 28, 2013.

European Telecommunications Standards
Co-author, 作为欧洲电信标准协会(ETSI)各种VoIP规范的专家任务小组(STF) -216的成员, including:
TS101 909 Part 4,基于网络的呼叫信令规范,2006年4月
TS101 909 Part 16, CMS-to-CMS信令规范,2004年12月
TS101 909第23部分,线路控制信令规范和TS101 909的其他部分., December 2002

CableLabs, Packet Cable Project
Co-author, as an IPR Vendor at CableLabs, Packet Cable Project, various VoIP specifications, including:
PKT-SP-CMSS: cms到cms信号规范,2005年1月
PKT-SP-EC-MGCP: NCS信令规范,1999年3月

Additional Info


Industry Professor, School of Applied Technology
Director, Real-Time Communications Lab

April 2002 – present: Davids Consulting:
电信咨询工程师:网络评估, 可行性研究和课程开发及演示

Staff Engineer, Systems Engineering Group
Staff Engineer, Validation and Test Group

Lead Engineer, Validation and Test Group

1972年10月至1994年11月(退休):Ameritech/Illinois Bell, AT&T:


Area(s) of Advisement

Voice & Data Communication Technology