Ullica Segerstrale

  • 社会学教授

Segerstrale is a Fellow of the World Academy of Art and 科学 and a member of the European Academy of 科学s and Arts and the Finnish Society of 科学s and Letters. Her research has been supported by the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation, the American Philosophical Society, and the Rockefeller and Sloan foundations, 等. She is the recipient of the 威尼斯人平台 Board of Trustees Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award (2017), 茱莉亚·贝弗里奇奖, and other awards for teaching, 领导与研究.

At 威尼斯人平台 she has served as chair of the 社会科学 Department and co-director of 威尼斯人平台's first Summer in Paris program. Earlier positions included acting chair of sociology at Abo Akademi University, Finland; Distinguished Senior 研究er at the National Academy of Finland; fellow of the Center for Interdisciplinary 研究 (ZIF) in Bielefeld, Germany; visiting professor of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich; and Fulbright Fellow. She currently serves on the editorial boards of a number of academic journals.

Segerstrale has given over 150 academic presentations, including keynote addresses at international conferences and lectures in academic lecture series, 等 to the International Council of 科学 (ICSU), the Royal Swedish Academy of 科学, the Royal Society of New Zealand, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) and the European Microbiological Laboratory (EMBL). Her topics lie typically at the intersection of the Two Cultures; they include science and values, collaboration between scientists, humanists and social scientists, 研究的伦理, social aspects of architecture and design, the social impact of emerging technologies, and the future of human nature. Among her current interests is education for the 21st century, and identifying and nurturing creativity.

She is the author of over 100 academic publications. Her books include Defenders of the Truth: The Battle for 科学 in the Sociobiology Debate and Beyond (Oxford, 2000), Beyond the 科学 Wars: The Missing Discourse about 科学 and Society (SUNY Press, 2000) and Nonverbal Communication: Where 自然 Meets Culture (Erlbaum, 1997). Defenders of the Truth has been translated into Japanese, Beyond the 科学 Wars into Chinese, and Nonverbal Communication into Hungarian. Her newest book, 自然's Oracle, an intellectual biography of the evolutionist W.D. (Bill) 汉密尔顿 ("Darwin of the 20th century"), was published by Oxford University Press in 2013 (paperback 2015).


Ph.D., Harvard University, Sociology
M.A., University of Pennsylvania, Communication
M.S., University of Helsinki, Organic Chemistry
M.S., University of Helsinki, Sociology




Creativity and innovation

Social impact of emerging technologies

Scientific conduct and misconduct

Human nature and human future

Social aspects of architecture and design


Collaboration across disciplines


Nonverbal Communication: Where 自然 Meets Culture, ed. Peter Molnar,Routledge series on Comparative Psychology, 2018 (republished) (earlier Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997).

自然's Oracle: The Life and Work of W. D. 汉密尔顿 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013, 2015).

Defenders of the Truth: The Battle for 科学 in the Sociobiology Debate and Beyond (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000).

Beyond the 科学 Wars: The Missing Discourse about 科学 and Society编辑 and contributor (Albany: SUNY Press, 2000).

Recent articles and chapters

“教育 for Creativity, Skills, and Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration”. Paper delivered at IEEE-WAAS Conference on Cognitive Computing (IEEE ICCI*CC 2019, 米兰), 发表于Proceedings, IEEE CS出版社, 2019.

“Normative Implications of Neuroscience and Sociobiology – Intended and Perceived”. In Geoffrey Holtzman and Elisabeth Hildt (eds.) Does Neuroscience Have Normative Implications? 施普林格出版社,2018.

"The Teacher as Catalyst: Skills Development & Self-Discovery in Group Contexts". Eruditio, Vol 2, Issue 4, July 2018.

“A Sociological Verdict on 科学 Fraud”. Review of Nachman Ben-Yahuda and Almaya Oliver-Lumerman Misconduct in 研究, University of Michigan Press, 2016. Contemporary Sociology, Vol 48, Issue 3, 2018.

的评论 自然’s Oracle: The Life of W. D. 汉密尔顿:

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