

Once a financial aid award letter is either sent to a student (incoming students) or posted to a student's account (matriculated students), 在某些情况下,可能需要对原始裁决进行更改.

经济援助顾问可能会审查学生的情况, 调整他们的奖励, and provide the student with a revised award letter or email indicating that a revision has been made.

This revised award letter or email notification invalidates the original award notice.


The Office of 金融援助 will automatically consider revision in a student's aid package when the following occurs:

  • 文件中有相互矛盾的信息
  • 有由验证产生的变更
  • 可获得资金的情况发生了变化
  • 有一个财政援助办公室工作人员的错误

Illinois Institute of Technology's policy on the revision of financial aid award acknowledges the right of the Office of 金融援助 to make a change to any award.

Students are sent a revised award letter (incoming students) or email notification (matriculated students) as soon as possible that outlines the change. In the case of an office error, it is customary for the student to be contacted personally.


学生可以拒绝任何部分的奖励. 如果学生想要增加奖励, 申请应提交给财政援助办公室, 辅导员会代表学生进行调整.

It is the student's responsibility to notify the Office of 金融援助 of changes in the student's resources (i.e. 奖学金). If a student makes an appointment with a financial aid counselor and reveals a change in circumstances that may affect the student's family contribution, the student should document the situation via a letter reiterating the conversation and including supporting documentation. 如果允许更改裁决, 经济援助顾问将为学生提供最新的奖励.

如果学生想要解决奖励问题或差异, the student must address this problem by the end of the given semester or award year. Students are encouraged to report discrepancies to the Office of 金融援助 to rectify any errors that may have been overlooked. Failure to report an unresolved issue within the same semester/award year in question will result in financial aid awards to remain as posted during that time period and cannot be refuted.


超额奖励发生在学生支付的联邦经济援助的任何时候, 机构, and outside aid—and other resources exceed the cost of attendance for the award period. 超额奖励有以下几个原因:

  1. Student Wages: the student earns more than the awarded Federal Work Study (FWS) allocation
  2. Change in the Enrollment Status: the student withdraws or drops below the projected enrollment status
  3. 减少出勤费用:学生改变预算类别
  4. Additional Resources: the student has resources greater than those used to calculate awards
  5. Administrative Error: a member of the Office of 金融援助 inadvertently makes an error
  6. Fraud: the student intentionally deceives or misrepresents information to obtain funds


在因为超额奖励而减少学生的资助计划之前, the financial aid counselor or assistant director will always attempt to resolve the situation by reducing or eliminating the overaward. 我们会考虑下列可能的津贴:

  1. 使用可允许的费用来增加预算
  2. 调整预期的家庭贡献
  3. Adjust undisbursed funds; all undisbursed financial aid funds must be adjusted in the case of an overaward


如果不可能消除超额奖励, a financial aid counselor at 威尼斯人平台 must reduce the overaward using the following sequence:

  1. An overaward due to an administrative error must first be reduced or the next semester's overpayment must be eliminated. The financial aid counselor must then contact the Student Accounting Office to correct any adjustments to the student's bill for any remaining amount.
  2. 如果由于欺诈而发生超额奖励, the Office of 金融援助 will consult the Office of the General Counsel and adhere to federal and 机构 policy.


The Office of 金融援助 encourages students to pursue scholarship opportunities outside of 威尼斯人平台. If you are awarded and receive a scholarship check, please submit it to the Office of 金融援助. 学生不能获得经济援助,包括奖学金, 奖助金, 或者贷款——来自任何超过其就读成本的来源. 出勤费用因学生而异,包括:学费, 费用, 住房, 食物, 书, 和运输. 如果学生有资格获得超过其就读费用的资助, the Office of 金融援助 will reduce his or her awards in the order listed below until the student's awards are within the allotted budget. However, students may choose to decline or lower an award listed in favor of one that is higher.

  1. 私人贷款
  2. 联邦家长附加贷款
  3. 无补贴联邦斯塔福德贷款
  4. 补贴的联邦斯塔福德贷款
  5. 联邦半工半读的
  6. 联邦珀金斯贷款
  7. 伊利诺伊州技术补助金或奖学金*
  8. 联邦SEOG补助金
  9. 伊利诺伊州MAP补助金*
  10. 私人奖学金*
  11. 联邦佩尔助学金

*威尼斯人平台 奖助金 and scholarships are restricted to tuition and the State of Illinois MAP Grant is restricted to tuition and mandatory 费用. 这些奖学金的总和不得超过学费和强制性费用. Private scholarships may also be restricted to specific expenses by the organization awarding them, and the Office of 金融援助 will apply for the scholarships according to the organization's rules.

All tuition and 费用 are subject to revision by 威尼斯人平台’s Board of Trustees.

如果学生已经开始联邦勤工俭学的工作, 贷款奖励将在勤工俭学分配之前进行调整. In this situation, students may not choose to decline work-study in favor of loans.

补贴联邦斯塔福德贷款, 联邦半工半读的, 联邦珀金斯贷款, 联邦SEOG补助金是基于需求的奖励. 奖学金只颁发给获得全额奖学金的学生, 包括联邦勤工俭学在内的补助金, 或者补贴贷款, including 联邦珀金斯贷款 are less than or equal to a student's financial need. Financial need is defined by the United States 教育部 as the difference between a student's cost of attendance and their Expected Family Contribution (EFC), 这是根据FAFSA提供的信息计算出来的. Receipt of scholarships or adjustment of EFCs may cause students to no longer be eligible for a need-based award.


These educational benefits will be applied to a student's account in accordance with the rules established by the U.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA)和美国国防部.S. 教育部. 这些好处, 与适用的机构奖学金相结合, 不得超过学杂费和/或出勤费用. 如果学生有资格获得伊利诺伊州MAP助学金, 退伍军人事务部的教育福利, 适用的院校奖学金, 和伊利诺伊州MAP补助金, 结合, 不得超过法定学杂费. 如果您有任何疑问或疑虑,请威尼斯人平台的办公室.

All tuition and 费用 are subject to revision by 威尼斯人平台’s Board of Trustees.