A student works in an air quality lab

我们的教师进行前沿研究与现实世界的应用, 为学生提供了无数参与的威尼斯人平台.

In architectural engineering, 教师和学生在建筑科学方面进行研究, energy efficiency in buildings, indoor air quality, and thermal comfort.

Faculty in the civil, architectural, 和环境工程系的建筑环境研究集群包括:

Brent Stephens
Expertise: 室内污染物的命运和运输, building energy, and environmental measurements; HVAC filtration; human exposures to airborne pollutants; energy efficient buildings; building simulation

Mohammad Heidarinejad
Expertise: Building science, 建筑环境的多尺度建模, 建筑能源和环境测量, energy efficient buildings, building energy simulations, computational fluid dynamics, building control, sustainable and smart cities.

建筑工程与管理研究涉及建筑生产力, scheduling and progress control, dispute resolution, construction company organization, sectorial studies, and project management.

David Arditi
Expertise: All aspects of construction management, 工程和支持,包括计划和调度, economic analysis, systems optimization, equipment management, contract administration, construction contracting.

Ivan Mutis
Expertise: 建设中协作和通信的信息技术,  Building Information Modeling (BIM), Virtual Design Construction, knowledge management, 互操作性和语义(本体), product, and process modeling), construction management education, 可持续建筑技术, construction informatics

In environmental engineering, 教师和学生进行室内和室外空气质量的研究, human exposure to pollutants, energy efficiency, 水和废水系统和处理, and life cycle assessment. 

Brent Stephens

Expertise:室内污染物的宿命与迁移, building energy, and environmental measurements; HVAC filtration; human exposures to airborne pollutants; energy efficient buildings; building simulation

Kenneth Noll

Expertise: Ambient air quality, 大气碳排放表征, 大气粒子的物理和化学特性, 模拟大气中污染物的迁移和归宿, 从大气中去除颗粒和气体的控制系统的设计

Mohammad Heidarinejad

Expertise: Building science, 建筑环境的多尺度建模, 建筑能源和环境测量, energy efficient buildings, building energy simulations, computational fluid dynamics, building control, sustainable and smart cities

David Lampert

Expertise: Life cycle assessments of food, energy, and water provision; wastewater treatment and reuse; assessment and remediation of contaminated sites; water quality modeling and monitoring; computing technology applications for water systems 

岩土工程研究强调土力学, rock mechanics, engineering geology, earthquake engineering, soil structure, and soil-water interactions.

Jeff Budiman
Expertise: Model testing; soil-structure interaction; soil dynamics and earthquake engineering; geoenvironmental engineering

Research in the public works specialty area includes public policy evaluation; management of engineering operations, maintenance, and rehabilitation; and construction of civil infrastructures such as roads, bridges, and traffic safety hardware.

Zongzhi Li
Expertise: Transportation systems analysis, evaluation, and asset management; statistical and econometric methods for transportation demand modeling, pavement performance modeling, and safety and security analyses; simulation modeling for intelligent transportation systems applications; risk and uncertainty modeling, 以及动态交通网络的优化, infrastructure systems, and logistics problems

结构工程研究主要集中在结构动力学和抗震设计方面, inelastic behavior, 以及钢结构与桥梁工程的非线性分析.

Gongkang Fu
Expertise: Bridge engineering, structural engineering, engineering mechanics, stochastic modeling, 材料和结构的破坏性和非破坏性检测, engineering management, infrastructure management

Matthew Gombeda
Expertise:创新的预制/预应力混凝土组件, innovative cementitious materials, experimental methods, 爆破设计和分析方法, 平衡的结构和节能设计

Mehdi Modares

Expertise: Reliability of infrastructures; computational mechanics; structural dynamics; structural uncertainty analysis

Jamshid Mohammadi
Expertise: 结构工程,强调结构的安全性和可靠性, fatigue, and bridge engineering

交通工程的研究领域包括多式联运基础设施和动态交通网络流动, safety, security, and emergency evacuation, as well as energy consumption and vehicle emission performance modeling; transportation asset management, addressing system integration, risk, uncertainty, and sustainability; and network economics.

Zongzhi Li
Expertise: Transportation systems analysis, evaluation, and asset management; statistical and econometric methods for transportation demand modeling, pavement performance modeling, and safety and security analyses; simulation modeling for intelligent transportation systems applications; risk and uncertainty modeling; 以及动态交通网络的优化, infrastructure systems, and logistics problems

Mohammad Miralinaghi
Expertise: 交通基础设施设计与管理, sustainable transportation systems, connected and automated vehicles, electric vehicles, 可交易信用计划和拥堵收费, 交通基础设施弹性


土木工程助理教授 Matt Gombeda 是否在研究如何在预制混凝土配合比设计中加入更多的粉煤灰, 旨在使建筑实践更加环保.

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Associate Professor Brent Stephens 负责建筑环境研究小组, 他和他的学生们对建筑的能源效率和室内空气质量进行了研究. 他们目前正在参与由美国环境保护署(Environmental Protection agency)资助的一项研究,对室外污染物的数量进行测量和建模, such as ozone and particulate matter, 渗透到全国各地的家庭. 

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