

  • Review your courses’ learning objectives; think outside the box to remotely assess student achievement of these goals
  • Consider a variety of alternatives; to address concerns about test security, online exam options could include a final project; open-book/open-notes exam; shorter, 更频繁的, lower stakes online exams using Canvas Quizzes; or an oral exam through Zoom within your Canvas course site — scheduled in individual 20–30-minute appointments
  • 合作项目创造了一个更加以学生为中心的学习环境,给学生一个练习和展示团队合作技能的威尼斯人平台
  • 进行真实的测验(1).e., 评估涉及现实世界的任务,展示基本知识和技能的有意义的应用),以实现课程学习目标


与残疾资源中心(CDR)合作,确保所有住宿请求得到适当处理. 不管有没有正式的住宿申请, make sure that your exams are inclusive and accessible for all students by using principles of universal design for learning; one example is giving an extended time period for all students in which to complete an exam.