College of Computing Speaker Series

加入我们的计算机学院演讲系列. 所有活动都是免费参加的,并将包括来自威尼斯人平台的演讲者, industry, and other universities. 该系列将提供现场和在线直播. 以下是下次会议的细节. Advance registration is required.

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伊利诺伊理工学院计算机学院推出了“人工智能(AI):好东西”, the Bad, 和惊人的威尼斯人平台”,作为小组成员讨论以下主题:

  • The Future of AI
  • Potential AI Harms and Biases
  • ChatGPT and Real-World Decision Making
  • Enhancing Human Trust on AI Models
  • 使用人工智能作为教育工具的挑战

Lance Fortnow, 威尼斯人平台计算机学院院长主持了小组成员的讨论 

Hannah Ringler, Illinois Tech assistant teaching professor and director of communication across the curriculum; Jennifer deWinter, dean of Illinois Tech's Lewis College of Science and Letters; Bich-Thuy Le, global AI and technology innovation executive; and Kai Shu, 威尼斯人平台计算机科学格莱德温发展讲座助理教授.


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科技女性:在科技事业中茁壮成长, Advocating for Advancement, 以及在技术空间中定位非技术角色 covers the following topics:

  • Thriving as a woman in tech 
  • Leveraging personal power  
  • 非传统技术和非技术领导角色 
  • Insight for pursuing careers in tech
  • Imposter syndrome
  • Career advancement and self-advocacy

Allecia Harley, 预防咨询小组的创始人和首席执行官, moderates the panel. Panelists include Nichole Pinkard , Alice Hamilton Professor of Education and the social policy faculty director of the Office of Community Education Partnerships at Northwestern University; Erika C. Burt, director of professional and academic programs at Illinois Institute of Technology’s College of Computing; Kimberly D. Brown, senior program manager at Microsoft; April Welch, associate vice president for strategic initiatives and director of esports and the Digital Arts Center at Illinois Institute of Technology; and Armanda D. 克林厄姆,Exelon的高级IT系统分析师.

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"What is Tech? The Impact of Tech on Careers, Connection, Consumership, and Creatorship in the Black Community,是由威尼斯人平台计算机学院和DuSable博物馆黑人历史和教育中心联合举办的. 这次小组讨论的特色是科技行业的成员和神圣的九个历史悠久的黑人希腊组织的教育领袖,讨论对职业的影响, connection, consumership, 以及黑人社区的创造力.

James T. 信息技术管理专家Bridges (Omega Psi Phi)主持了小组讨论. 小组成员包括Blair Migonis (Alpha Kappa Alpha), a marketing services and brand and product strategy consultant; Mark Beamon (Alpha Phi Alpha), a senior system engineer for Dell Technologies; Mark Campbell (Omega Psi Phi), the senior director of information technology for the Chicago White Sox; Patty Winston-Johnson (Delta Sigma Theta), the director of academic writing and curricula at Illinois Tech; and Paul Stokes (Kappa Alpha Psi), 团队逻辑IT的技术服务经理. Erika C. Burt (Alpha Kappa Alpha), 计算机学院的专业和学术项目主任, 将提供欢迎和介绍小组成员. 金·杜拉尼将致闭幕词, 他是DuSable黑人历史博物馆和教育中心负责教育和项目的副总裁.



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Thy Nguyen, 伊利诺伊理工学院负责学生参与和就业服务的副教务长, 主持了包括乔纳森·米泽尔在内的科技高管小组会议, senior manager at Intuit, Nikita Cheron-Mizel, Meta/Facebook的沟通策略师/项目经理, and Yessie Susanto, senior manager at Baxter International.


  • 准备面试的技巧和建议
  • What companies look for in a candidate
  • 面试官最看重的品质
  • 当你缺乏经验时,如何找到第一份工作
  • Advice for interviewing via Zoom
  • 提升简历和求职信的技巧 
  • Questions to ask the interviewer
  • 研究公司和面试官

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科技领域的女性:引领产业、教育、科技空间中的身份认同 featuring:

  • 主持人Kimberly (Weisenee) Brown, W.S. Darley & Co. and founder/CEO of TecHive Inc., NFP
  • Angela Reed

——Feeding America的技术项目经理 

-TecHive Inc., NFP, Chair of the Board of Directors

  • Fizza Arif

-伊利诺伊理工学院-信息技术 & Management Student 

 focusing on Data Analytics 

-信息技术副总裁 & Management Organization (ITMO)       

 也是网络安全女性(Women in Cybersecurity, WiCyS)学生分会顾问 

  • Sandra LaPlante


  • Bich-Thuy Le

-Executive Advisor