A student group, Materials Advantage, works to create a blade in a smithing shop

Advanced Engine Control Laboratory

先进发动机控制实验室在先进内燃机的建模和控制以及清洁和高效利用替代燃料的开发领域进行研究. Current research projects include: control and analysis of high-efficiency dual fuel engines; integrated control of engine and after-treatment systems; design and analysis of advance compression ignition engines; and vehicle powertrain analysis.

Advanced Engine Control Lab

Advanced Manufacturing Innovative Research Lab

先进制造创新研究实验室(AMIR)专注于设计和改进适用于基于熔合或非光束的增材制造技术的新型合金和化合物. Specifically, we are engaged in both fundamental and applied research concerning laser-beam powder bed fusion and binder jet 3D printing processes. Additionally, we investigate post-processing treatments, particularly surface engineering and heat treatment, to gain insights into the microstructural changes and mechanical behavior of materials. Ultimately, our goal is to facilitate effective machine learning across diverse materials, processes, and imaging methods, thereby promoting enhanced efficiency in this field.

Advanced Manufacturing and Innovative Research Lab

Autonomous Control Systems Lab

Autonomous Control Systems Lab focuses on developing optimization and control strategies for different systems, including autonomous vehicles, connected and automated vehicles, powertrain systems, and robotic applications. Researchers in this lab focus on developing optimal finite horizon control methods, stochastic and robust optimal finite horizon methods, and learning-based control methods for constrained uncertain systems. 

Autonomous Control Systems Lab

Center of All-Solid-State Batteries

威尼斯人平台清洁能源学会全固态电池中心(CASSB)于2022年在美国国家科学基金会(NSF)的资助下成立。. The project team, composed of more than 10 international partners from the U.S., European Union and Canada, is led by Rowe Family Endowed Chair Professor in Sustainable Energy Leon Shaw, director and principal investigator of CASSB. CASSB的目标是研究和整合传统和非常规的电荷存储机制,以实现超高比能, high power, long cycle life ASSBs with intrinsic safety. CASSB will lay a solid foundation for design, synthesis and fabrication of high-performance ASSBs at scale in the future. Through collaboration with our industrial partners, we will expedite technology translation from laboratory discovery to commercial products. By working with the City of Chicago, we will launch a workforce development program, offering short courses and workshops to mid-career employees and underrepresented minorities, which can accelerate transition of the workforce into clean energy, electric vehicle, and energy storage industries.

Center of All-Solid-State Batteries

Computational Systems Engineering Lab

随着系统复杂性的不断增长,计算系统工程实验室探索系统工程学科的理论基础和方法. Our current focus is to investigate how systems engineering practices respond to ever-increasing available data, which is highly interconnected and interdependent. 我们研究系统工程实践的数据中心,以设计和开发可持续的智能系统,因为企业变得更具竞争力. We currently focus on aerospace systems; however, we are also interested in exploring these research areas in different domains.

Computational Systems Engineering Lab

Control Systems Laboratory

The Control Systems Laboratory focuses on optimal controller synthesis for different cyber-physical systems. Some of the major research topics include: fuel-efficient control of connected and autonomous vehicles; energy-efficient control of hybrid electric vehicles; computationally efficient and safety-preserving controller design for cyber-physical systems; and driver-specific advanced driver-assistance system development.

Dynamic Testing Laboratory

动态测试实验室(DTL)建立了高速诊断和数据采集系统,用于材料的高应变率本构测试和冲击失效表征. The new DTL complements existing servo-hydraulic, drop tower, and high-temperature-testing facilities in the mechanical, materials, 和航空航天部门的固体力学实验室,并提供研究固体在大范围应变速率和温度下的机械响应的能力, and under both uni-axial and multi-axial loading conditions.

Heat Transfer Research Laboratory

Heat Transfer Research Laboratory activities are centered around computational and experimental heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and combustion with an application focus in gas turbines and heat exchangers. Current research projects include inquiry in the areas of turbine blade cooling and aerodynamics; heat exchanger research; and flow structure interaction.

Heat Transfer Research Lab

Laboratory for Crystal Growth

Research in the Laboratory for Crystal Growth is focused on the growth and characterization of semiconductor single crystals, heat and mass transfer phenomena occurring during crystal growth, and measurement of the relevant thermophysical properties. Techniques used for single crystal growth include Brigman, Czochralski, zone refining, and physical vapor transport. Experimental studies are supported by numerical modeling. Current research is supported by grants from CASIS-NASA and NASA-SUBSA.

Laboratory for Crystal Growth

Laboratory of Semiconductor Compounds and Alloys

半导体化合物和合金实验室的研究重点是用于辐射探测器和半导体加工中的传热传质现象的宽带隙半导体单晶的生长, as well as measurement of their thermophysical properties. Techniques used for single crystal growth include Brigman, Czochralski, Zone Refining, and Physical Vapor Transport methods. Experimental studies are supported with numerical modeling. Current research is supported by grants from CASIS-NASA and NASA-SUBSA.

Laboratory of Semiconductor Compounds and Alloys

Navigation Laboratory

The Navigation Laboratory (NavLab) was established in 1999 as a center for research, development, and testing of advanced navigation, guidance, and control systems. Major areas of current research activity in this lab focus on satellite-based navigation systems, including GPS and Differential GPS (DGPS), high-integrity navigation algorithms, fault detection and isolation, and distributed navigation systems. Research programs have been sponsored by the Federal Aviation Administration, United States Navy, U.S. Air Force, the Boeing Co., Northrop-Grumman, and IIT Research Institute.

Nonsmooth Robotics Laboratory

非光滑机器人实验室解决了当机器人或物体从一个位置移动到另一个位置时,产生非光滑动力学所需运动的基本问题和设计挑战. We take a dynamical systems approach, 我们在哪里尝试利用运动方程来设计运动模板或原语,以生成所需的轨迹库. We use these insights to design performant numerical methods to solve open problems in, for example, bipedal locomotion. A core part of the lab is testing our theory and software libraries on experimental platforms to validate our work.

Nonsmooth Robotics Lab

Robotics Laboratory

Robots have recently graduated from structured laboratories to outdoor environments with varying and unstructured terrain. In order to be highly mobile and effective in these settings, 机器人研究将需要将重点转移到理解机器人/地形相互作用的潜在物理,并为能够多种运动模式(如跑步)的机械健壮机器人创建设计方法, leaping, and climbing. Current robotics lab research focuses on electrostatic gecko-like adhesives for climbing, perching, and manipulation; navigation integrity for self-driving cars and other mobile robots; and multi-modal locomotion. 

Space Weather Laboratory

空间天气实验室的研究重点是通过对上层大气动力学的成像和估计来进行空间天气预报. 特别感兴趣的是开发利用全球导航卫星系统(如GPS)的无线电波进行电离层遥感的方法, using tomography and data assimilation of these measurements for improved atmospheric prediction.

Space Weather Lab

STEM Laboratory

STEM实验室是威尼斯人平台的一组实验材料科学家,他们研究半导体中电荷(电子或空穴)和热量(声子)的传输. 我们的目标是理解并能够操纵电子和声子如何在半导体的固体基础上移动,本质上是通过电子设备的每个部分. The question is critical to numerous areas of material research including thermoelectrics; photovoltaics (solar cells); battery; flexible electronics; and more.

STEM Laboratory

Thermal Processing Technology Center

威尼斯人平台的热加工技术中心(TPTC)为涉及创新材料加工的工业/大学合作研究提供了一个论坛, alloy development, material characterizations, mechanical property investigation, advanced manufacturing, and energy storage technology. TPTC拥有各种各样的设备和设施,所有这些设备和设施都可用于支持TPTC成员资助的研究项目或按服务收费计划使用. In both cases, high-quality basic and applied research of interest to industry is performed cost-effectively. 

Thermal Processing Technology Center

Wave Laboratory

Wave Laboratory researchers are working on understanding dynamic systems through theoretical, computational, and experimental tools. One of the recent efforts is to explore the application of modern deep learning tools to problems in mechanics and physics. For example, eigenvalue computations using convolutional neural networks is the very first application of such tools to any mechanics problem. 一个主要的研究重点是理解波在复杂微结构固体和液体中的传播,并创造可用于控制其时间和空间特征的材料. Other topics of interest include dynamic systems related to solid structures, such as aerodynamically induced flutter instabilities and control.

Wave Laboratory