

职业生涯管理中心 斯图尔特商学院的教授

职业的对话 is a collection of blog posts and presentations on career-related topics by business and career education professionals.


Looking for interesting career-related ideas and perspectives? The staff at Stuart’s 职业生涯管理中心 (CMC) recommends these articles and resources.


保持开放和好奇, and Other Career Advice from Women in Finance


By 辛迪Ivanac-Lillig, Director of Media Relations, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

From the importance of creating “mini-circles” to the role of luck in career-building, three women who are leaders in the finance industry share practical advice on navigating your own pathway to career success. 阅读博客文章.

被求职压垮? 看看这些最佳实践,步入正轨


By 凯蒂·菲舍尔, 副总统, 北美交易所交易衍生品主管, 北方信托公司

Making sure that you are applying to companies that align with who you are as an individual will help make you a more viable candidate and will connect you to the organization. Try these best practices to help you meet your job search objectives. 阅读博客文章



By 马修Scharpf,美洲固定收益基金部副主任 & 欧洲期货交易所金融

Today we are in a situation that is unique in the annals of workplace history. For the first time, technology has allowed work to be done without ever being physically together. 那, 反过来, presents a unique opportunity for young people to consider new ways to learn, 成长, 交朋友, 并实现. 阅读博客文章



主持人: 副教授 Weslynne阿什顿

An international panel of Stuart’s Environmental Management and Sustainability program alumni share their current work in environmental, 社会, 和企业治理(ESG)实践, 那些把他们带到那里的小路, and their reflections on the future of careers in ESG and sustainability. 阅读更多并观看视频

做出职业决定? 花点时间思考,威尼斯人平台就会随之而来


By 凯蒂·菲舍尔, 副总统, 北美交易所交易衍生品主管, 操作, 北方信托公司

When it comes to making decisions about your career, you don’t have to have a five-year plan. Take time to reflect and be willing to put time and effort into yourself. You’ll find that the opportunities will follow, and so will your career path. 阅读博客文章



By 辛迪Ivanac-Lillig, Director of Media Relations, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

First-generation college students might not arrive on campus knowing all of the unwritten norms and behaviors of college life. 然而, exploring new experiences and seeking out networks of people thinking about your well-being will help open doors and build your confidence. 阅读博客文章



By 瑞安包, Director of Software Engineering, Conversation Intelligence, Invoca

你在考虑换工作吗? 不管你做出改变的原因是什么, 在职业生涯中为自己辩护是很重要的. Take the time now to think about why you’re looking for a new role and what you’re looking for in that role. 阅读博客文章

How to Send the Right Message in Your Professional Emails


By 海伦Ezenwa, Assistant Dean for External Relations and Career Management, 斯图尔特商学院

你在邮件中如何表现自己? 传达正确的信息, 尤其是对潜在的雇主, 在你的专业信函中是至关重要的吗. These tips and links to more advice and examples can help you set the right tone before you hit “send.” 阅读博客文章



By 埃里克·埃尔南德斯,凯业必达客户成功经理

How can you navigate your application through a company’s applicant tracking system so your resume is read by a human? Here's advice from an industry veteran on creative ways to use the power of referrals to have your application seen by the right people in your job search. 阅读博客文章

Navigating Your Way Through an Employer’s Applicant Tracking System


By 埃里克·埃尔南德斯,凯业必达客户成功经理

The biggest barrier to overcome in a job search may be to navigate your application through an organization’s applicant tracking system so your resume is read by a human. Here are tips from an insider on how to increase your chances of making it past these online job search hurdles. 阅读博客文章



网络研讨会, 玛丽安的厨师,回转咨询公司解决方案负责人

This pandemic is considered a “black swan” event: very rare and very high impact. Black swans can change the trajectory of governments, economies, and businesses. Learn about the implications and opportunities for innovation with this black swan event. 观看网络研讨会



By 蒂芙尼白史都华职业管理中心职业顾问

Virtual interviews are becoming more popular and commonplace for employers, 特别是在大流行期间. This post provides an overview of the types of virtual interviews, 准备的小贴士, 链接到更多资源, and an invitation for Stuart students to practice with a mock virtual interview. 阅读博客文章



By 马修Scharpf, 副总统: Fixed Income Funding, Financing and Clearing Sales, Americas, Eurex

Are you “in gear” to work effectively and efficiently in a team or organization? 在这篇文章中, 马修Scharpf writes about adapting to change and some questions that he asks when evaluating his own professional performance. 阅读博客文章


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